Dear Finny
Happy Birthday to you! You are our baby boy today but soon to be big brother. Growing like a tree, talking like a book, you amaze me every day with your good nature and sense of humor. You love your family and your kitty and your 15 most special stuffed animals with a fierce heart. I admire your curiosity: how do you make eyes? how do you make bread? how do you make flowers? how do you make peaches? how do you make crayons? Yesterday you explained to me in detail what pooh-pooh farts are.
You had a great 3rd birthday with all of the usual fun. I meant to change you out of your pj shirt and diaper all day, and maybe comb out your bed head dreads and take your picture, but we were too busy partying and playing and eating pancakes and before we knew it the day was over too soon! I love you Finn!
So cute! And yes, I'd love to exchange hunks of anemones with you. I've never seen white. Well done on the bamboo hedge. I have dreams of one that borders the driveway. Someday...
so so sweet. good luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you all day. Please, call me with an update when up can!
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