I have no idea where the name came from. Well, I mean it came from Leo, but of all the names in the universe, our horse is named Vicky. I love Vicky. I got her a couple years ago at a yard sale. (see May '08 post) The lady wanted something like $50 bucks for her. I'm sure it was more of a sentimental price tag than the fact that she was in perfect vintage condition. But I had to point out to the lady that one of my boys would likely break their arm while riding the horse and it would be an added expense that I had to consider. I think she cut the price in half based on the merit of my good argument. So far though, there have been no broken arms. Maybe a few scrapes on the rusty springs or a couple of bonks on the nose when she bucks, but otherwise Vicky is a trusty old horse. One time the neighbor kid came over and commented 'I cant believe that stupid old thing still even works.' I was so offended I could have sprayed him with the garden hose. He's one of those neighbor kids that is a tv/video game loving only child who drives me crazy on purpose and will inevitably be showing up in my yard everyday for the next 15 years. But when he does, I will not stand for him dissing on Vicky.

Sweet! I love those old horses. Micah thinks one of our neighbor's horses is his own and he named it Seegwa. Huh? Vicki is a lovely name for a horse. Ride on!
love love love vicki!
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