Weekday mornings can be a scene of mass chaos at our house. It all depends on which side of the bed a certain 5 year old tyrant wakes up on. It occurs to me that his bed is in the corner of the bedroom, so there really is only one side he can get up on. Maybe this is the problem? Note to self: rearrange the bedroom furniture asap. Hopefully with summer break arriving in less than two weeks we will be eliminating some of the morning drama. Stop by and see Leo in his pajamas for 3 months straight, because I am sure he will see no reason to change out of them as long as we are on vacation. As it is right now, he will change for school, let me rephrase that... he will put clothes on top of his pajamas for school BUT ONLY MONOCHROMATIC THEMED OUTFITS. This can be problematic if certain choice outfits do not make it through the laundry cycle the night before, he is a no substitutions kind of guy.
But once Leo heads off to school and Ben is at work, I am left with the daytime duo of Abe and Finn. They are quite the happy companions. Finn sees the baby routine as an opportunity for blissful laziness and a lot of snacking. Starting with Abe's morning nap, this is the time Finn spends lounging on the bean bag chair snacking, reading, watching videos, or happily cutting paper into tiny pieces with his own scissors. If it is sunny we might make it outside for some gardening. When Abe wakes up there is more snacking to be done, and then it is playtime.

Every so often Finn gets to go to school with Leo, and this morning was one of those days. He decisively announced that he would be going to school today, got dressed cheerfully and was welcomed with enthusiasm by his classmates. Leo's teacher is so nice to invite him to drop in anytime and she is so excited about having him there next year. It is actually kind of hard for me to leave him there. He just seems so little to me still, and I really miss him when he is gone. It is sooo quiet at the house when he is at school. So I was sitting here thinking, wow, this is how it will be three mornings of the week next year! What will we ever do to entertain ourselves? I'm sure we'll think of something.