Merry Christmas!
It might be December 26 but we are still eating a lot of cookies, the living room looks like a tornado rolled through, and I am still on a holiday high. It seems like there should be another party tonite.
We had Carroll Christmas Eve at our place with lefsa and meatballs. It was like inviting Santa over for dinner. Soul and Rachel got us a new camera! I am so excited to have a cool camera to use for documenting these days that seem to be passing by ever so quickly.

With all of the fun and excitement we got a late start on bedtime. When it came time to set out some cookies for Santa, Finn felt as though he would rather eat the cookies himself. There were some tears. But we finally got them tucked in with the promise that when we woke up there would be stockings and presents. Then at 2am I hear from the other room "Finn! Get Up! It's Christmas!" All lights flip on and both boys come into our room. Leo is totally stoked and Finn is totally dazed. I am totally annoyed and Ben is totally asleep. The next wake up call came at 6am, at which point we could either get up or miss seeing the boys open gifts.