Loving the school days routine.
We have been walking to and from school, it is so nice to get out first thing in the morning for a big breath of fresh air. We pick apples, find treasures, and watch the leaves turn a bit more everyday. This morning, in the misty fog we looked for dewy spider webs and found them EVERYWHERE. The spiders are amazing this year building their webs in every nook, cranny and pathway of the yard. The other day I ran out to my car to grab something and one had built a giant web from my steering wheel to the passenger door. A startling surprise that kind of freaked me out until I quickly assessed that the spider was not actually on or near me. It was right in the middle of it's big beautiful new web of course! The daytime duo and I even sprung for some orange, green and purple spider lights from target. Never too early to start celebrating halloween, as it is one of my top 2 favorite holidays.
Leo is liking school some days. I think he likes it much more than he lets on. Best words from him were:
"school is pretty good. half bad, half good. Is the year almost over?" and "today was better. I didn't have to ask about you because when I say your name it makes me cry." But this was all said during week 2, and now we have just wrapped up week 3. I still hear "school is the worst!" more often than I would like, but at the end of the day I think he is glad he went.
We skipped Monday and hit the fair. It was awesome if you love scones, ice cream, animals, pumpkins, and watching the boys have a blast on 3 tiny rides. I do. My favorite thing besides all of that stuff was mutton bustin' for sure. It was so fun to watch. Finn was totally down to ride the sheep, but Ben was not down to pay $10 to watch Finn eat dirt and get trampled. Next year! Two days later we were back to the fairgrounds to see Willie Nelson. So fun.